Finding Your Life Path

Do You Need Professional Help To Make Important Life Decisions?

For some time, there have been professionals meant to help young people navigate life’s challenges. In the past, these included teachers, coaches, school guidance counselors, even therapists. Now, there is a new group of people who specialize in providing support for college students and new graduates figuring out the next step and making important life decisions.

So Many People I Know Feel Like They’re Constantly on Overload at Work. Are There any Guidelines for Making Positive Choices About My Work Life?

In our busy world today, there are lots of things that we have to juggle: work, family, and other obligations. In fact, we may even feel that we are proud to be busy all of the time. However, Christine Carter of the Greater Good Science Center says that this mindset can actually be harmful.

Can I Increase My Self-Confidence and Find My Life Path Later in Life?

A recent article in the New York Times talks about people who found their direction later in life. What did you like about this article?I think the most important take-away from the article is to never give up hope. I’ve worked with many people in their mid-to-late twenties who haven’t found what they want to do in life and feel that it’s already too late for them.

How Do I Find Direction in Life When I Have Zero Self-Confidence?

How can a lack of self-confidence keep you from finding your direction in life? When you lack self-confidence, it’s easy to believe that you’re never going to be good at anything—even things that really matter to you. If you don’t feel that you can be good at something, finding a direction that feels right to you can seem hopeless from the start.

I've started to get my life together. Why am I tempted to mess it up?

Is it a fact that people mess up their lives or is this just their impression?It really is a fact. I’ve worked with people who got the book contract they always wanted, and suddenly developed writers’ block. I’ve seen people get into the relationship that they’ve been looking for, and then either do something to push their partner away, or decide that there’s something wrong with relationship and end it.

What is a “Purpose-Driven Life”?

“Driven” sounds a little aggressive. Are we talking Tiger Mother here? I think that phrase came into the culture with Rick Warren’s book, “A Purpose-Driven Life.” I haven’t read the book, but my sense is that people who talk about wanting to have a purpose-driven life are talking about wanting to feel that their life has a larger meaning beyond just satisfying their own individual desires

Introvert vs. Extrovert – What’s the difference between the two?

How do I know whether I’m an introvert or an extrovert? It can be confusing. If you enjoy social situations, you might think, “How can I be an introvert?” But if you spend time with your extroverted friends, you’ll find that they’re energized after spending time with other people, while you often feel the need to have some time for yourself in order to recharge.

Due to Tragedy, My Life has Changed. How Do I Cope?

Q. How long after a tragedy is it even feasible to approach this question?A. It depends so much on the particular individual and what the tragedy means to them. The example that comes to mind is someone I worked with whose oldest friend was suddenly killed in a freak accident. Within a month or two of the accident, he realized he wasn’t doing well, that his whole world had fallen apart.

"How Do I Find What I’m supposed to be doing in Life?"

Do we need to search for what we’re meant to do? Don’t most lives develop a purpose without our conscious effort? Yes, many people do find a sense of purpose naturally and without much conscious effort. Some people know from a very early age that they want to be a doctor or a writer or an engineer. Other people seem to find their purpose somewhat later in their lives but still fairly effortlessly—