Baby Boomers who went through high school in the 1960‘s are very aware of the MAD Magazine slogan, “What - me worry?” Apparently, this Alfred E. Neuman motto can be applied to many of the country’s aging Boomers. A few years ago, the Pew Research Center labeled Baby Boomers the Gloomiest Generation. However, as people age, psychologists contend that they become more accepting of themselves and more empathetic towards others. Some psychologists think that we become better at regulating our emotions as we age, and we learn how to cope with change rather than constantly battling it. Things that irritated you 10 or 15 years ago are now pushed to the back burner. Some researchers think that the mellowing of Boomers is based solely on anecdotal evidence.
Read the entire article here: Why Am I Getting Mellower?
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