Lost Highway Blues News

On Redefining Success

Arianna Huffington’s commencement speech to the young women of the 2013 Smith College graduating class questioned the traditional approach to defining success. Instead of focusing solely on money and power, the model which has become synonymous with corporate culture and career ladder climbing, she instead offered a different model, what she calls her three W’s: well-being, wonder, and wisdom.

A Compassionate Approach to Management

Let’s face it: Office environments have a bad reputation as being toxic and filled with stress. New research shows that this doesn’t have to be the case. While most managers are brought up believing the most effective leadership strategy entails putting pressure on employees, evidence reveals that having a more compassionate approach to management can actually help a company’s bottom line.

When Helping Hurts

American parents enjoy helping their kids. Adults happily forego social engagements, vacations, new cars, or home renovations in order to put aside funds for college, private schools, art, music, or sports camps, or anything else that parents think will give their kids a “leg up” in the world. But what if all of this assistance is actually detrimental?