Lost Highway Blues News

How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years

Analysts’ offices and waiting rooms appear to be populated by many senior citizens these days. People who would never have entertained the thought of seeing a therapist when they were younger are now coming to the conclusion that they have a lot of emotional baggage that they need to unload in order to make life better, not only for themselves, but for their spouses, children and grandchildren.

Getting a Brain Boost Through Exercise

Recent studies show that exercise may boost your memory. An interesting highlight of these studies concludes that different types of exercise produce different results regarding memory retention. The study followed a group of recruits who had been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment as they performed endurance exercise, (walking, for example), weight training, or stretching and toning exercises.

Ambiverts, Problem-Finders, and the Surprising Secrets of Selling Your Ideas

According to Dan Pink, the “art of selling” is vital to both our personal and professional fulfillment. Pink authored the book, To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others. In the book, he discusses the art and science of selling and backs up his claims with research and examples from social sciences, behavioral economics, and psychology.