Finding Your Life Path

Finding Your Purpose In The “Great Resignation”

Finding Your Purpose In The “Great Resignation”

Many people I’ve talked to feel that they’re missing a larger sense of purpose in their lives. Being good at their jobs, and getting recognition for their work, hasn’t been enough to sustain them through these difficult times. They want to feel that they’re making a contribution to the world and not just to their company’s bottom line.

Finding Your Purpose After the Pandemic

Finding Your Purpose After the Pandemic

We’re in a time of tremendous uncertainty. I doubt our uncertainties will be resolved any time soon. So, I think people need to continue to try to identify what they’d like to do and who they’d like to be while taking into account that things still feel a little precarious right now. It’s really an issue of striking a balance between urgency and patience.

Two Obstacles To Finding Your Life Path (And How To Overcome Them)

Two Obstacles To Finding Your Life Path (And How To Overcome Them)

If patients can have a relationship with me that makes them feel understood, taken seriously, and cared for, that experience can be the gateway to being able to find their life path and to set out on it with confidence. It’s a complicated process, and it’s not linear, but, in the end, it can provide a firm foundation for having a life of meaning and purpose.

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

Many people struggle with finding their life direction. While finding your purpose in life might sound like a luxury, or a pursuit best left to philosophers or spiritual seekers, most people want to feel that their lives have meaning. If you’re struggling to find meaning in your life, what do you do? We’re talking with Jane Rubin, Ph.D., about how to go about finding your life purpose.

What Do I Do When My Life Choices Don’t Work Out?

What Do I Do When My Life Choices Don’t Work Out?

One of the more difficult situations in life is recognizing that an important life choice hasn’t worked out. We’re very aware of how difficult it is to end a long-term relationship, but we often don’t fully grasp how difficult it is to come to terms with other life choices that don’t go as we had hoped. That’s why we’re talking to Dr. Jane Rubin about what to do when our life plans don’t work out.

Can Shame Keep You From Finding Your Direction in Life?

Can Shame Keep You From Finding Your Direction in Life?

Many people are burdened by feelings of shame. They feel there is something deeply wrong with them, even though they often can’t identify what it is. What they often don’t recognize is how their feelings of shame can prevent them from finding their direction in life. Dr. Jane Rubin explains how shame can interfere with your ability to make good life choices.

How Therapy Can Help You Make Positive Life Choices

In my last few posts, I’ve talked about self-sabotage—what it is and why some people are particularly susceptible to it. In my experience, people who self-sabotage fall into two broad categories. Some experienced significant abuse in their childhoods. Others experienced significant neglect. In this post, I want to talk about how early experiences of abuse can cause self-sabotage later in life.

How Self-Sabotage Keeps You From Making Good Life Choices

Does it ever seem as if you are on a roll, about to achieve your goals or dreams, when something happens to derail your plans? Is this a pattern that occurs again and again in your life?It may be that self-sabotage is preventing you from making good life choices and achieving what you want in life. Dr. Jane Rubin gives us some thoughts about what self-sabotage is and what you can do about it.

Self Confidence and Finding Your Life Passion

Have you felt pressure from family, friends, or teachers to find your life passion? Do you feel like you’re trying to catch up, while others have already found what they want to do? A recent article in the New York Times describes how graduates struggle with this issue. By having the self-confidence to be open to learning and change, the author argues, it’s possible to find your passion.